Art Vancouver is very excited to once again host Art Ignites as part of the 6th International Art Fair. Art Ignites is a dedicated student-centred event for Grades 8 to 12, taking place on Friday, Apr. 17 from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Teachers and students get to participate in a fun and engaging afternoon of art workshops, demonstrations, and open discussions with professional artists, all meant to inspire young artists who want to work in the creative field.
We know that navigating through 40,000+ sq. ft. of exhibition space, with over 1,200 works of art can be daunting! To help with this, a Resource Guide is provided to help students get the most out of their art fair experience. We always want to know from student participants what they enjoyed and what we can do better! And even better news -- teachers can get 30 tickets for only $30. But tickets are going fast. Students from public, private, and independent schools and those who are home-schooled from all over the Lower Mainland are invited.
We welcome you to Art Ignites! If you know any students or school groups who would love to participate, please feel free to pass this on to them. We thank you for your support. Get your tickets here. Any questions, please contact us at artignites@artvancouver.net